Lyn Simpson, Vice Chair...

Lyn Simpson.jpgLyn was appointed as Chief Executive of North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust in January 2020 and has several years of clinical and executive director level experience working in the NHS at a local, regional and national level.

She has worked as an executive board director since 1992 across a variety of NHS sectors and her roles have included Executive Director of Patient Services for Newcastle Hospitals Executive Regional Nurse/Director of Operations and Workforce for the Strategic Health Authorities and, nationally, as Director of NHS operations at both the Department of Health and NHS England.


Lyn has also worked as the Regional Director for the North at the NHS Trust Development Authority which subsequently became NHS Improvement. Prior to joining the North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, Lyn led, on behalf of the North East and Yorkshire region, the early phases of integration and transformation in the Tees Valley.

Having trained as a nurse, health visitor and midwife, Lyn remains passionate about ensuring the delivery of safe, high-quality care for patients in parallel with development and supporting staff and services.