Through the Provider Collaborative we have helped to agree and publish a priority work plan for Pathology services across our region for the next 18 months. 

Working together through the Pathology Alliance, all eight acute and community providers in the North East and North Cumbria have signed up to the following key areas of focus:  

1. Improving Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) and interoperability of digital systems between FTs. This will see the number of different systems reduce from seven to three across the region. It will allow a much more flexible approach to testing and visibility of test results for all clinicians, irrespective of the clinical setting where the test took place.

2. Strategic development of the Pathology Workforce. This includes £1m funding secured from NHS England to pilot a networked approach to scientific training through a new Pathology Training Academy. This will also include increasing opportunities through Apprenticeships and T level qualifications. 

3. Improving the quality of data and information flow in relation to the pathology network. This will bring together robust and reliable information to create a single picture for the region using a dashboard to identify best practice and highlight specific opportunities for improvement. 

4. Reviewing specialist lab testing arrangements in the region to better understand referral processes. The aim is to develop a collective solution for patients in the North East and North Cumbria to reduce any duplication of tests or delays in reporting, as well as develop more specialist expertise in the region.

5. Exploring opportunities for network level procurement of Pathology services. This will include a full review of all current non pay costs and the scope and status of current pathology contracts to identify potential cost savings and contract renegotiations.