Purpose and ambition...

Who are we?...

The NENC Provider Collaborative (NENC Providers) is a formal partnership of all 11 NHS Foundation Trusts (FTs) in the region. We are an important part of how our new Integrated Care System (ICS) works.

Together, we operate under a provider leadership model, taking collective responsibility on issues that affect every FT and planning together for the future as one.  

We are very proud to build on our strong track record of collaboration here in the North East and North Cumbria.  As a collective of providers, we believe we must continue to think differently about the way we deliver services if we want to be one step ahead and able to face the challenges, as well as the opportunities, the future presents to us.

Through our Provider Collaborative we now have the formal mechanism to make collective decisions on behalf of all FTs. This helps us coordinate action on important issues and take forward programmes to improve health and care through collaboration.

What do we want to achieve?...

We are proud to work in partnership with the region’s Integrated Care Board (ICB) and share the same strategic objectives to:

  • Improve outcomes in population health and healthcare by focusing on improving health inequalities that exist within the region. 
  • Tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience and access by optimising the delivery, quality and efficiency of provided through our 11 FTs. 
  • Enhance productivity and value for money by taking necessary collaborative. action, including mutual aid and support.
  • Help the NHS support broader social and economic development by providing opportunities and harnessing our collective strength to influence change.