- Lots of work has taken place through NENC Providers to ensure there is a collective understanding in relation to capital investments in the NHS estate across FTs in the region.
- The Provider Collaborative is responsible for monitoring the capital development programme across the region, with the aim that, as a collective of providers, we stay within the agreed capital envelope and take into account system needs.
- Through our work so far, we have agreed on several collective regional priorities for capital investment in order to maximise any national capital funding bids. This includes our new Community Diagnostic Centres (CDC) and Digital Diagnostic work.
- Working with FT Finance Directors, we are developing a three-year planned approach to allocating CDEL (Capital Departmental Expenditure Limit) funding across the region. This usually happens towards the end of the financial year and therefore focusses on short to mid-term priorities. Once agreed, this new three-year CDEL funding formula and approach will support much better longer-term planning to manage our collective infrastructure and estate challenges.
- Work is also underway to develop an Infrastructure Strategy which will set out a joined-up plan to optimise the use of the NHS estate so that we can collectively ensure we provide healthcare from the very best modern facilities.