Working as part of an Integrated Care System...

In our role as the NENC Provider Collaborative, we take collective responsibility for the delivery of agreed service improvements and standards across FTs in the North East and North Cumbria.

Our priorities for delivery are agreed annually with the ICB.  We are an engaged and active partner of the ICB, helping to contribute to the overall success of our Integrated Care System and meet the strategic objectives we all share to improve health and wellbeing.  

Our role is to facilitate horizontal collaboration between FTs and enable joint working when something is best done once, together and at scale.  This might be because the issue is complex, there is a need for clinical critical mass, or requires standardisation to reduce unwarranted variation across multiple FTs.

All NENC Providers continue to play full roles within their relevant place-based arrangements working closely with local communities and partner organisations.

We also support the work of our nested collaboratives, where individual FTs are working effectively with each other on a geographical or sectoral basis, to ensure strategic decisions are aligned across the region.