Through the Provider Collaborative, all FTs have agreed and signed up to a set of six digital priorities for the future. 

These are focussed on improving both clinical and operational working practices and will sit alongside individual Trust digital priorities and delivery plans. The aim is to focus on areas of digital innovation that could significantly improve clinical practice and patient care across multiple organisations: 

  1. Continued development of The Great North Care Record Health Information Exchange (HIE) across health and social care organisations. 
  2. Developing shared IT infrastructure, networks and Wi-Fi connectivity to allow staff to work across organisations in a more agile way. 
  3. Exploring and expanding development of a consistent approach to a Patient Engagement Platform to improve digital interactions with patients. 
  4. Undertaking a strategic review of digital contracts across all NENC Providers to explore opportunities for scalability and ways to simplify digital systems. 
  5. Supporting delivery of digital priorities and capital investments agreed by the diagnostics programme board. 
  6. Developing a plan for digital talent management across the region working with Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and HR colleagues to review current posts, vacancies and specialist roles.