Our principles and ways of working...

We have ten principles which outline how we will work together. These guide everything we do. They help us to develop an even stronger culture of collaboration between our 11 NHS Foundation Trusts.

  1. We will support each other and provide mutual aid in times of pressure.
  2. We will make shared decisions to speed up transformation and change.
  3. We will challenge each other and hold each other to account.
  4. We will always act in good faith and in the best interests of the people we serve.
  5. We will empower staff to work with other Trust staff to improve care.
  6. We will make sure there is strong clinical leadership and governance in all of our work.
  7. We will actively involve staff, patients, the public and wider stakeholders.
  8. We will show solidarity when making decisions for the local population.
  9. We will take responsibility for delivering on agreed priorities and manage risks together.
  10. We will promote a high performing culture of teamwork, innovation and continuous improvement. To do this we will share information, communicate honestly and respectfully and act ethically with responsible behaviour and decision making.