North East and North Cumbria Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism Partnership...


The NENC Mental Health Partnership focuses on collaborative approaches to improve access to and the standards of mental health care. To do this they are breaking down the barriers between physical and mental health services. The partnership supports people with severe and enduring mental illness whist also improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.


  • Giving every child the best start in life: mental health and wellbeing (including maternity and perinatal).
  • Supporting local systems to develop and implement integrated models of care (implementation of community mental health framework for adults and older adults).
  • Improving parity of esteem (valuing mental health equally with physical health) to reduce the mortality gap for people with mental health, learning disability and autism conditions).
  • Reducing the life impact of mental health, learning disability and autism conditions (which includes creating and developing healthy and sustainable places and communities).
  • Preventing and delivering the 'Zero Suicide Ambition'

Learning Disability and Autism Partnership...


The Learning Disability and Autism Partnership supports and leads work to transform services for people with a Learning Disability or Autism. The aim of the partnership is to reduce the reliance on inpatient hospital beds through developing an enhanced approach to place-based support, building flexible, personalised and responsive community services. This will promote early intervention and preventative support, as well as improving overall health outcomes and reducing health inequalities for people with a Learning Disability and autistic people right across the region.


Best start in life.jpg
            Best start in Life
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              Valued families


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     Living well with good support


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     Good health for longer lives


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    Good care and treatment         in specialist hospitals